Welcome to Congregation Anshe Emeth!
240 Joslen Blvd. Hudson, NY 12534
Phone: (518) 828-6848
Email: congregationansheemeth@gmail.com
Congregation Anshe Emeth of Hudson, New York, is an inclusive Synagogue that embraces the evolving values of Jewish tradition and heritage. We strive to be a warm and welcoming community open to diverse religious backgrounds, committed to enhancing Jewish life and culture, and the principles of Tikkun Olam. Our traditions are deeply rooted in the past while honoring change as part of the Jewish experience. Our purpose is serving the religious, educational, and cultural needs of the Jewish community, as well as being a constructive participant in the general community. We are dedicated to the joyful expression of all aspects of Judaism and its rich heritage.
Shabbat services are held at 7:00pm on Friday evenings and/or Saturday mornings at 10:00am as indicated on calendar and/or in monthly newsletter – followed by a strictly kosher Kiddush or Oneg Shabbat.
Visitors and guests are always welcome.
Congregation Anshe Emeth offers religious instruction for children ages five through thirteen. Beginning with the youngest children, students are introduced to the Hebrew alphabet, biblical figures, holidays and customs.
Arts and crafts are an integral part of religious school instruction. Also, because of the large geographic area from which the school draws its students, the children generally do not attend public school together. Therefore, the students are encouraged to socialize and meet one another on an informal basis during the available break time in lessons. There is a game room which is an ideal setting for this kind of interaction.
Students are encouraged to attend Synagogue with their parents on a regular basis. An effort is made to include children in the Shabbat worship in a variety of ways such as opening of the Ark and the blessing of the Shabbat lights.
Education topics and event schedules change monthly and are notified through the monthly newsletter and added periodically to the Synagogue calendar. To add your name to our mailing list, please complete the contact form.
The Sisterhood sponsors annual Purim and Chanukah parties for the congregation and community and also organizes cultural trips and entertainment. In addition, Sisterhood also organizes collections for local charities (ie. regional food pantry, baby clothes for the local hospital) and periodically runs various fundraising activities.
240 Joslen Blvd. Hudson, NY 12534
Phone: (518) 828-6848

Rabbi Almog joined Congregation Anshe Emeth in August 2024. He was ordained by Yeshivat Chovevei Torah (“YCT”) Rabbinical School in 2005 and has served in various rabbinic capacities, including campus rabbi at Columbia University and teacher of future clergy at the Academy for Jewish Religion in New York. He is also finishing a PhD in Rabbinic Texts at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Rabbi Almog is married to Lisa, a highly accomplished Jewish educator, and together they have two children.
Rabbi Daniel Fried, of blessed memory, served Congregation Anshe Emeth from 1980 until his passing in January, 2024. A third generation rabbi, he was groomed for the profession over the course of his childhood and adolescence by his father, the late Rabbi Philip Fried.
Rabbi Daniel Fried received rabbinic training both in Jerusalem and in New York. He also took graduate courses in Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and at Dropsie College in Philadelphia. Rabbi Fried was a Certified Jewish Educator and held a Permanent New York Secondary School Teaching License. Rabbi Fried was beloved by many. He was married to the former Denise Mandel. Denise continues to serve as our Hebrew School Teacher, as well as being an exceptionally active Congregation member.